Sunday, September 11, 2011

My memory of 9/11

I was sound asleep when Jose came home from PT and woke me up saying a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. He was telling me about it so quickly, I was confused. I made my way out to the living room and he had the news on. All I saw was smoke and the Twin Towers were on fire, people were running everywhere, it was chaos! I could not believe what I was watching unfold on the television. I laid on the couch for what seemed like a long while just watching all of this, the play backs of the planes crashing, and the towers falling. I felt hopeless, watching and knowing that people are trapped, hurt, scared, and there is nothing I can do but watch. 

Jose started to tell me that he might have to leave, he wasn't sure if they would get called to go to N.Y. or D.C. to help with things. He had been in the Army for just a little over a year at that point, the idea of having to leave for an extended amount of time was not something we had ever had to deal with. I was 3 months away from having our first baby and the idea of him leaving me was so scary. I had no one there in Texas to help me, all my family lived in PA. I didn't want to be alone. 

Well we were fortunate then that he did not have to leave, but eventually all good things come to an end. We moved to Germany in Aug. 2003, and we knew that the likely hood of him deploying was great. Being in the infantry makes it hard not to deploy! Jose left for his first deployment to Iraq that Feb.2004 and returned Feb.2005. He got to be home with our daughter and myself for 18 months, which was great! We found out I was expecting our second baby...a boy...and then we found out he was leaving for his 2nd deployment to Iraq. He left Aug. 2006, missed the birth of our son and returned Nov. 2007. I had moved twice at that point and our son was already 7 months old. That was a hard deployment, he was gone 15 months and missed so much! Having him home was wonderful.

Jose with Autumn the day he left for his second deployment
August 28,2006
Jose in Iraq 2006

 Jose home on R&R, Jadon was 4 weeks old
May 2007
A day at six flags after Jose got home in 2007

My Love and I, Jan 2008

It always seems short lived though. He had to return to Iraq again in Feb.2009 when I was 5 months pregnant with our 3rd child a baby girl. Luckily he was able to schedule his R&R so he could be home for her birth. I was so grateful for that. He returned for good Feb 2010, when our baby was 7 months old.  We were all so glad to have him truly is the best feeling in the world to have the one you love with you.  

Jose, Jadon, Autumn. Feb 5th 2009
The day he left for Iraq for the 3rd time
Getting ready to leave on the bus for the airport.
Feb 2009
The day Jose had to go back to Iraq after R&R July 2009

  Valentines Day 2010, Jose just got home for good! 

 Our family this 4th of July, with our newest addition Cullen

We are very fortunate that Jose was able to get a position that would keep him from deploying for a couple years. He has been home for 20 months now. The longest he has been home since these deployments started. I know one day he will probably have to leave again...most likely to Afghanistan, but I know we are blessed to have him here. There are so many people who have lost their lives or their loved ones. Whether it was on 9/11 or in the years to follow fighting for our country, may they never be forgotten. May the sacrifices of the men and women of this country be remembered in our hearts always.
I will never forget


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Your husband is really doing such a great service to our country. I'm happy for you that he's home right now. Watching all the news coverage of 9/11 recently, brought it all back home for me and why we're at war. Thanks for sharing your personal story.

  2. Kelly, thanks for stopping by to read my story, and for leaving me a comment.

    Rachel :)

  3. Hi,
    So glad that you found my blog, because now I have found yours. This post touched my heart. My hubby is a retired Army National Guard. I well remeber the day they activated him for Desert Storm. I had 5 children at the time, my youngest being 5 months. When they said that he could be gone for two years my heart sunk. Fortunate though, it only ended up being 4 months. Boy, did I miss him, but things actually went well. He ended up only going to Germany. That was a blessing! I too remember exactly what I was doing on 9/11. What a tragic day. Read your bio. Couple of similarities, I love red. My house is full of it. Caramel apples are one of my most favorite treats. Now following you,

  4. Hi Jann,
    Thanks so much for becoming a follower and reading my blog. It's always so nice to come across other people who have gone through similar things and can relate. It's a tough thing to go through, but I think it helps me realize I am a lot stronger then I would have thought. On another note I am slowly moving along with blogging. I have lots of projects to finish so I can post about them...thanks for following me as I go :)

  5. wow! What a whirlwind of deployments! We have been fortunate to have had short ones, but we gearing up for deployment #9 right now! Ugh! You are amazing to do all of that with 4 babies! You are amazing!!! :)

  6. Thanks Alison. I don't feel amazing though...I feel like I just try to survive them lol. I have yet to have to go through a deployment with 4 kids...fingers crossed I won't, that would be a be task! 9 deployments is A LOT!! I don't know what is worse lots of short ones or less but longer ones....they are all difficult and it stinks to have to be apart from our loved ones. Sorry to hear your husband might be leaving soon.
